Darrell Thorne Studios Price List

  • Costumed Dancers/Characters

    $1500 Per Costumed Performer

    $2000 Per Costumed Performer w/Full Body Paint, &

    $3,000 Per Costumed “Duality” Performer, “This Is America” Performers

  • Stilt Performers

    $2,000 Per Costumed Stilt Performer

    $3,000 Per Special Costumed Stilt Performer (Full Mirror Stilt Suit, Calder/4-Legged Stilt, Tiffany Lamp)

    $4,000 Duality Stilt Costumes & Stilt Performer w/Giant Wings (Plus Cargo Van Rental Cost)

  • Don't Go Breakin' My Heart Act

    $6,000 Burlesque/Lip Synch performance with custom costume and large mobile Broken Heart set piece which doubles as a fabulous photbooth for guests.

  • Headpiece, Mask, & Costume Rental

    $400 - $600 - $900 Rental Fee range, depending on size and level of elaborate detail, materials, etc.. Please contact us for specifics

While our existing library consists of completely unique, original, and highly detailed pieces, for some clients, a completely custom costume or line of costuming is appropriate. We love to create original works as often as we can, and it’s the best way to assure that no other event in the world will look like yours. Please contact us directly to discuss your ideas and we will provide a quote tailored to your needs and desires.